In SQL Subqueries are pretty common: you need only those records where a certain condition is dependend on the existance or non-existance of records in an associated table.
I.e. you want to delete all shoppingbaskets in the database, which are older than, let’s say 7 days but only if they do not have any items in them…
In pure SQL you would write something like this:
FROM shopping_basket s
WHERE s.last_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)
FROM shopping_basket_item i
WHERE i.shopping_basket_id =
But how would you do that in a Symfony Repository method?
Well, actually it’s pretty simple, and yet a bit tricky.
The main part (the DELETE) is easy: say, we’re in the ShoppingBasketRepository
and create a method “deleteAllAbandonedAndEmpty
public function deleteAllAbandonedAndEmpty()
return $this->createQueryBuilder('s')
->andWhere('lastUpdated < :sevendaysago)
->setParameter('sevendaysago', new \DateTime('-7 days'))
->andWhere(/* hmm here the subquery - but how? */)
Well, you have to create another QueryBuilder for the subquery and insert its DQL as an expression in the 2nd andWhere clause.
And here it becomes a bit tricky, as a simple $this->createQueryBuilder('x')
doesn’t do the trick.
Why? Because this always includes the current Entity with 'x'
as it’s alias also into that subquery.
But here comes the Repositories internal entity manager to help.
As $this->createQueryBuilder('x')
is actually a shortcut and resolves to
->select($alias) // alias being the 'x' passed from $this->createQueryBuilder
->from($this->_entityName, $alias);
But in our subquery we want to set the from ourselves, so we simply have to avoid the shortcut and build it “from scratch” 😉 – But what exactly do we have to put in instead of $this->_entityName? To be honest, here PHPStorm came to my help, and after I startet typing the classname, suggested the correct syntax to me: App:ShoppingBasketItem
– (what exactly depends on your namespace for the Entities).
So our subquery-builder would look something like this:
$sqb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('App:ShoppingBasketItem', 'i')
->andWhere('i.shoppingBasket = /* hmm, what exactly? */')
Yes, next big question, in the original SQL we simply compared the shopping_basket_id from the shopping_basket_item table with the id from the shopping_basket table, but in the doctrine QueryBuilder we don’t handle the ids explicitly, we rather handle objects. So in this case it’s actually rather simple: we use the alias of the parent table (um, Entity 😉 ): 's'
So this is the complete method. Note, that we first had to finish the assignment of the $qb
variable before we can use it again for the ->expr
public function deleteAllAbandonedAndEmpty()
$sqb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('App:ShoppingBasketItem', 'i')
->andWhere('i.shoppingBasket = s')
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('s')
->andWhere('lastUpdated < :sevendaysago)
->setParameter('sevendaysago', new \DateTime('-7 days'))
return $qb
I hope you get the idea and can adopt it to your requirements – and please don’t start an argument about DATE_SUB(NOW(); INTERVALL 7 DAY)
not being equal to new \DateTime('-7 days')
– that’s not what this is about 😉
This post is also available in: German
Hi, thanks.
In the “complete method”, you forgot the where condition (i.shoppingBasket = s) in the subquery.
Hi Yopai,
thanks for the heads up!
Fixed it.
Best Regards